Take Action Resources

We love highlighting easy and fun ways to take action for social change–but after we’ve highlighted them, they get buried somewhere in our archives!  So this page provides an easy list of some of our favorites.  This is not by any means all-inclusive.  We’ll keep adding as we find more opportunities, and feel free to look through our archives for even more great organizations we’ve written about.

Free Ways to Help

FreePoverty.com is a geography-based game, and for right answers (or even close answers) water is donated to someone in need.  Be warned–it’s very addictive!

FreeRice.com lets you play games, learning new vocabulary, while giving grains of rice for every answer you get correct.  It’s a win-win, giving you knowledge and giving someone in need food.

ActionGoodSearch.com donates to a charity of your choice every time you search the internet–and who doesn’t do that a hundred times a day?

The Hunger Site lets you “click for free every day” to give food to someone in need.  With its sister sites, you can also plant trees, give books to children, help animals, and more!

The NonProfits.com gives you a long list of sites that allow you to click for free to help a cause you care about, whether its poverty, the environment, medicine…see what speaks to you.  Then click.

Good Places to Give

Bears without Borders lets you donate to send a plush toy to a child in need.  And they’re run completely by volunteers.

The Corazon Roxas Foundation helps children in need receive a good education.  Donate for a care package, or send your old books to children who’ll love receiving them.

Action2Nothing But Nets hands out nets in Africa, to prevent mosquito bites and malaria.  As it says: “Send a net.  Save a life.”  It’s just ten dollars.  More than two and a half million nets have been sent so far.

Givology helps low-income students.  You can read about the students’ stories, and give to help them further their education.

UniversalGiving  Of course, we’re a little biased on this one–but only because we know what a great service it is!  Come visit us for hundreds of opportunities to give or volunteer to excellent projects.  Give ten dollars or give a thousand dollars–you can make a difference.

Wish Upon a Hero lets people in need post their wishes, and people who want to give can fulfill them.  As good as having fairy dust!

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