Gratitude and Giving

By Cheryl Mahoney

I don’t expect many people to read this post the day it goes up.  I don’t expect many people to be on the internet on that day either.  I won’t be–I’m typing this on Wednesday, not Thursday, though thanks to delayed publishing that’s the date you’ll be seeing at the top.  I don’t expect many people to be reading on Thursday because, as I likely don’t need to tell you, Thursday happens to be Thanksgiving.  And I expect people will be a little too busy to be reading.

Busy with turkeys, and football games, and traditions, and long-distance calls to relatives, and arguments over drumsticks.  Busy appreciating our blessings and being thankful.

Gratitude is an important theme in UniversalGiving’s culture.  We believe in giving to others and changing the world.  We also believe in appreciation and affirmation and being grateful for the people around us, for the accomplishments we achieve, for the blessings in our organization and in our lives.  So even if no one’s here reading on Thursday, I couldn’t let the day go by without an acknowledgment.

One thing I’m grateful for: having a CEO who puts a strong emphasis on gratitude.  Our founder and CEO, Pamela Hawley, has written some beautiful thoughts on gratitude for her blog, Living and Giving, in the past.  It only seemed fitting to share an excerpt today.

Right now, can I think a positive thought? What is going well?  No matter how tough it gets, there has to be some thing that is going well.  Thank you that the sun is shining. Thank you that I have a great father, or wonderful relationship with my sister.  Thank you that I have a wonderful new bed that allows me to sleep peacefully.  Thank you for the rosebush on the street, that blooms so radiantly, and is free for all of us to smell and enjoy. 

For the challenges that seem to keep you stuck, remember, it will pass. The mountain will pass and at some point, you get to start walking downhill.  So keep climbing, keep being grateful, and…. keep going.

My 97 year old Oma and grandmother, one of my best friends once told me,” Whenever I feel down I find something to be grateful for, and I find someone else who is in a worse situation and help them. It helps me be grateful.”

Gratitude gives us a humble confidence to continue pursuing our dreams, step by step.

Gratitude brings a sense of joy, peace and then confidence so that we can maintain our course. Go for it – – and be grateful along the path!

Whatever day you’re reading this, thanks for being here.  I’m grateful that you are.  I hope you have much to be grateful for in your own life, and, if you feel moved to do so, I hope you’ll think about finding someone else to help too.

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